Environment, architecture, art and everyday life

“In ancient Greece, the area of the temples, music, epic poetry and tragedy were the property of all citizens and were part of their daily lives. (…) When life itself is stripped of all humanity and denatures the man as part of this environment, it also makes the behavior of men becoming inhuman and unnatural.”

Art and autonomy: the decisive contribution of modernity

The concept of genius was first formulated by the Enlightenment and later developed in German Idealism. Its function was to explain the differential nature of art when compared to the world or nature. From its origins and development, this concept took two contradictory directions. On one side it was assumed irrationality linked to a power…

Kant’s aesthetics and the beauty of bodies sexualized

Kant characterizes the aesthetic experience as “disinterested contemplation” and “no concept” . But the whole experience of beauty would necessarily be “disinterested”? And the beauty of sexualized bodies, in which we have engaged an interest in sexual satisfaction? And the perverse need to meet the culturally imposed standards and rules for obtaining a beautiful body?…

O Belo em Kant e a comunicabilidade do sentimento estético

Queremos investigar algumas questões sobre a estética em Kant. Para tanto, dividimos em dois pequenos artigos. O primeiro, que se desenvolverá aqui, tratará do conceito de belo em Kant. O segundo, em outro post, tratará do conceito de sublime, o qual pensamos ter enormes repercussões na estética contemporânea. Em linhas gerais e de forma analítica,…